Make sure you scan the SUPPORT.TXT file before running the installation so
that the correct information is installed for all instruments.
MIDI QUEST v1/2/3.xx -> 4.0 UPGRADE
Before upgrading the MIDI QUEST v4.0 you should delete all existing program
files along with the Instr(ument) directories and
its subdirectories. Mac users should also delete the MQuest.Cfg file in
the System folder. Once done, perform a complete install of the new software.
Data files from previous versions will be compatible with the new version.
Icon Bar
The icon bar contains icons representing functions found in the Bank
Edit menu. To perform the desired function, click on the icon. They
are in order from left to right:
Send - Send the entire bank to the instrument.
Edit - Edit the currently selected patch.
Mix - Mix two patches together to produce new patches.
Mix All - Mix all selected patches together to produce new patches.
Blend - Blend two patches together to produce new patches.
Name - Assign a new name to the selected patch.
Settings - View/Edit the data's global parameters.
Move To... - Opens a window to select a destination for the bank data.
For additional information on each of these functions, please see the
Bank Editor chapter of the MIDI QUEST manual.
The Scroll Bar
Use the Scroll Bar at the bottom of the Bank Editor to select the part
of the bank that is displayed.
The Patch Editor Windows in v4 feature three major enhancements. First
Performance/Multi/Combi type editors now provide for control over the
MIDI Channel used by the right mouse button. Clicking on any parameter
used to set a MIDI channel will automatically set the right mouse button
to that same channel. For example, 1) open a Performance/Multi/ Combi
editor and 2) click on a MIDI Channel setting. 3) Click on the right
mouse button and you will hear notes played on that channel. 4) Click
on the MIDI channel parameter for a different sound. 5) Use the right
mouse button again to audition that sound.
If the editor has 16 parts with each part permanently assigned one channel, the editor has been updated so that clicking on the part number will set the right mouse button to play on that MIDI channel. Examples of this modification include: Emu Proteus 1
2/XR, SY/TG55, and SY/TG77. To test the mouse, 1) click on a MIDI channel
and 2) try the right mouse button. 3) Click on a different MIDI channel
and 4) try the auditioning again. You will know whether the MIDI Channel
can be set by this method by noting that the channel number will be
encircled like other parameters but the value is not editable.
The Parameter Selection Window
The Parameter Selection Window can be used on any parameter that uses
a test display for its setting. The most obvious example is the parameter
used to choose the basic waveform of most synthesizers. If the current
waveform is, for example a sax, 1) double click on the parameter and a
Dialog box will be displayed showing a list of all available waves.
2) To choose a different wave, and 3) press OK.
Move a Patch to (Move To...)
The Move To... function differs in the Patch Editor only in that it is
the last item in the Sngl Edit menu. In all other aspects it acts the
same way as in other windows.
Icon Bar
The icon bar contains icons representing functions found in the Library
menu. To perform the desired function, click on the icon. They are in
order from left to right:
Send - Send the currently selected patch to the instrument.
Edit - Select the patch you wish to edit and choose the Edit icon.
Receive - Load a Patch from the instrument into the Library.
Settings - View/Edit the Library's global parameters.
Choose... - Open the Choose Dialog/Requester to choose a group of patches.
Build Bank - Create a new bank using the currently selected patches.
Mix All - Mix all selected Patches together to make a new Library.
Move To... - Opens a window to select a destination for the selected patch.
For additional information on each of these function, please see the
Library chapter of the MIDI QUEST manual.
Hide Selected
To hide a group patches from view, 1) select the desired patches.
2) Choose Library/Hide Selected. The selected patches will be hidden
from view.
Show All
To add any hidden patches back into the list, 1) choose Library/Show All.
Any hidden patches will be added to the bottom of the Library.
The Choose Dialog/Requester now hides the patches which do not meet the
selection criteria. (Previously, the patches meeting the criteria were
selected). This allows for patches meeting the criteria to be more
easily viewed and a partial selection of those patches made if desired.
Transfers from a Bank Window
When Patches are moved from a Bank Editor into the Library, MIDI QUEST
will now automatically assign the notes and keys from the bank to each
Patch in the Library. If either of these parameters is unused, the
bank's name is substituted as identification of the patch's source.
Icon Bar
The icon bar contains icons representing functions found in the DBase
menu. To perform the desired function, click on the icon. They are in
order from left to right:
Send - Send the currently selected data files to the instrument(s).
Edit - Edit the currently selected data file.
Receive - Load data files from an instrument(s) into the DBase.
Settings - View/Edit the Library's global parameters.
Move To... - Opens a window to select a destination for the selected patch.
For additional information on each of these functions, please see the
Data Base chapter of the MIDI QUEST manual.
Icon Bar
The icon bar contains icons representing functions found in the Driver
List menu. To perform the desired function, click on the icon. They
are in order from left to right:
Edit - load data from an instrument and edit it.
Disk - load data from an instrument and save it to disk.
DataBase - open a Data Base and load data into it.
Fast Tips - view Fast Tips help for the selected driver.
New Edit - open a new editor for the selected driver.
New Lib - open a new library for the selected driver.
Settings - View/Edit the Drivers's global parameters.
For additional information on each of these functions, please see the
Driver List chapter of the MIDI QUEST manual.
Move Selected to Top
The new function Drivers/Move Selected to Top moves all currently
selected drivers to the top of the list.
When the Save As... option is selected for a bank or individual data
file, the new file selector allows the file to be saved in one of
several formats: Sound Quest, Standard MIDI File (.MID), and MIDIX
format (.SYX). When saving a bank, options are also available for
saving the names in the bank to disk in a text file format (.TXT).
Windows Cakewalk Users only: The windows version of MIDI QUEST has an
additional save option. If you use Cakewalk for Windows, you can save
the bank names into Cakewalk's "Patches.INI" file. The next time
Cakewalk is run, you will see the names from the bank included
in the Patch Name List for your use. Note: as mentioned above,
MIDI QUEST is now also capable of saving files in MIDIX format (.SYX).
This is the same format as used by Cakewalk so files saved in this
format can be imported directly into your sequencer.
Save Preferences
The Save Preferences option has been altered to a toggle parameter.
When ON, MIDI QUEST automatically saves any changes to default
settings and the driver list when the program is exited. When
toggled OFF, changes are not stored.
The MIDI Controller Window
The MIDI Controller Window has undergone substantial changes for v4.
Use the mouse to play notes on the keyboard at the top of the window.
The arrows just below the graphic keyboard are used to set the octave
range of the graphic keyboard. Below are sliders to set the MIDI
channel used by the window. The subsequent five sliders are used to
transmit MIDI information.
Poly Pressure information is sent continuously while the slider is
moved. It sends pressure information for the last note played on the
Control Chnge has two parameters. The number selects which controller
is changed (default: 0). The slider then sends control change
information for the selected controller.
After Touch sends keyboard pressure continuously while it is moved.
Pitch Wheel acts exactly the same way for pitch wheel data.
Program Change sends a patch change when the slider is released.
New Look
The most major change to Windows MIDI QUEST is that the interface is
now completely Windows based and uses all of the standard Windows
selection conventions.
The Sequencer Window
The Sequencer Window has been improved so that the output of each
channel can be directed to a different MIDI port. Select the "Ports"
icon and a Dialog is displayed allowing you to map MIDI channels to ports.
The Special Menu
The "Edit Enlarge" option in the Special Menu has been expanded to
add a third option.
ON - produces editors using a 16 point font
OFF - produces editors using an 8 point font
System (NEW) - produces editors using the Windows assigned font
The Help Menu
In MIDI QUEST 4.0 there are no longer Help icons in each Window.
These have been moved into a new menu called the Help menu. To get help on a particular Window, go to the Help menu and choose the window name for which you need information.
New Tool Type Parameters
A number of Global MIDI QUEST parameters can now be controlled from the
Tool Types in the Information window of the MIDI QUEST Workbench icon.
To do this, click once on the MIDI QUEST program icon and select
Icons/Information ... . This will open an Information requester.
You may add TOOLTYPES by clicking on the ADD button and typing one
of the commands listed below into the TOOLTYPES string Gadget. All of
these parameters are optional. If not entered the default is used. The
options are:
You may choose whether MIDI QUEST is run in interlaced (400 vertical
lines) or non-interlaced (200 lines / default) by entering one of the
above two lines.
You may set a specific screen width for MIDI QUEST. By default, this is
640 pixels. eg. WIDTH=640.
You may set a specific screen height for MIDI QUEST. By default, this is
the height indicated by the INTERLACE option.
It is now possible to set the screen to display up to 16 color (default:4).
Use the following chart to set the number of screen colors.
COLOR=2 4 colors
COLOR=3 8 colors
COLOR=4 16 colors
New midi.library and Instruments: Assignment
The midi.library used by Sound Quest has been renamed as SQMQ.library in
order to remove conflicts with other MIDI libraries using the same name.
Similarly, MIDI QUEST now searches for its control files in MQInstruments:
(instead of Instruments:) in order to remove conflicts
with other applications using the same assignments.